Selected Presentations

Sozialethisches Kolloquium: Halal Dating: Religious Dichotomies and Discourses
Theology Faculty, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, June 2022

17th EASA Biennial Conference
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons
Muslim Dating Apps: Homogenising the Religious Halal/Haram Dichotomy

Muslim Women as Instagram Influencers: Reconstituting Islamic Practice and Belief
How Muslim Instagram Influencers engage in the reshaping of Islamic practice and belief through their online engagement with followers

Muslimische Instagram Influencerinnen
Islam in der Praxis Akteur*innen,
Praktiken und Alltag
Praktiken und Alltag

Berlin Science Week: Tabula Rasa
Poster Presentation and Public Outreach
at the Urania in Berlin
at the Urania in Berlin